
     These are helpul apps for your PSP (I use them too!) but some only works on CFW though. Try 'em out!compliments to the developers of these apps and quickjump

  • Bookr - A document reader app for reading PDF/Ebook files and .txt files
  • PSP Filer v6.6 - This app is helpful in editing files in your memory stick, flash0, flash1, and other memory sectors in your PSP. It has copy, cut, paste, and delete features and works just like your computer. It also has a metronome (cool huh?) and you can edit the arrangement of your game icons in the XMB.
  • ISO Tool v1.976 - An app for decrypting and patching EBOOT files. It can also be used to rip a UMD to get the game in it. It can also compress files to CSO but it takes time though. Personally I use it for fixing games that don't work by decrypting and patching them.
To install these apps, extract them and put the folders in your GAME folder (ms0:/PSP/GAME)
