13 July 2011

CXMB for CFW 3.71-6.39

     This is the latest update for the CXMB for the PSP. It has a wider range of CFWs supported (3.71-6.39). CXMB is a plugin which enables the PSP to read .ctf files. The normal themes which are in the .ptf format only change the background and the icons of your XMB (like the default Cookie theme in the PSP). The .ctf themes however modifies  your XMB greatly. It modifies the arrangement of the icons and how they move. They even have animations! So if you are tired of seeing the same XMB everyday, try installing the CXMB plugin.

.ptf theme

     For more details and for the download link, go here

.ctf theme
  1. Extract the files using an archiver.
  2. Copy the 'cxmb.prx' to the 'seplugins' folder in the root of your memory stick (ms0:/). If you do not have a 'seplugins' folder, create one.
  3. Put the line 'ms0:/seplugins/cxmb.prx 1' in the 'vsh.txt' file in the 'seplugins' folder. If you do not have a 'vsh.txt' file, create one and add this line.
  4. Put .ctf theme files in the 'THEME' folder found in the 'PSP' folder. Just search for .ctf themes on Google, there are so many of them there.
  5. Reboot your PSP.
  6. Install a .ctf theme and see if it works. Reboot if necessary.

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